2authors Update: We've got Exciting News

Hello Readers!

We're back with some happy news to update you with. 

You ready?

We're coming to the LA Times Festival of Books! 


pooh GIF

The LA Times Festival of Books is the largest literary festival in the country. Every year over 500 storytellers come together for two days to showcase their work, celebrate storytelling, and connect with the community. There will be big-name talent, panel discussions, giveaways, educational activities, and prizes. And admission is free. 

The festival kicks off April 19th with the 44th annual book prize awards ceremony. The main event takes place April 20-21 on the campus of USC in downtown Los Angeles.

And we'll be there in our booth ready to meet and connect with all the readers and writers. 

In addition, we'll have our fifth novel "An Educated Death" ready to share, along with our four previously published novels. 

As the event draws closer, we'll have updated info on our booth location and when and where you can connect with us. If you're technologically inclined, there is an app you can download from Apple or Android called the L.A. Times FOB app which has a ton more detail and information. 

And if you're really into it, you can even volunteer for the festival!

We cannot wait!

Is it April yet??

Until next time,



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