Genre Deep Dive: Space-Opera

Hello Readers!

We're back after a week off. This time around, we're going to look at a funnily-named and perhaps confusing genre: The Space Opera. 

Have you heard of this before? A zaftig woman belting out Puccini on the bridge of a starship? 

We kid. It's not exactly that literal. But if you aren't familiar with space opera, we're going to break it down for you. It's also the genre that our novel Ascension: Kelahya Unbound falls under. 

Space operas are grandiose, large-scale stories set in space in the distant future. Think soap opera, but, ya know, not set in Port Charles. These sweeeping epics typically involve clashes between civilizations or worlds and have melodramatic love stories. 

Think Star Wars. 

What differentiates science fiction and space opera? Sci-fi emphasizes the science. Space opera doesn't concern itself with such matters. Science fiction would be a novel like Annihilation. Space Opera would be a novel like Dune. 

Although the term was created as a pejorative by a literary critic, space opera is now widely accepted as a large sub-genre. Do you have a preference between straight sci-fi and space opera? We like the big sweeping epics that fly across solar systems...give us space opera. 

Our novel Ascension most definitely fits more into the space opera genre. Rather than focusing on science-based imaginings of the future, we created a different universe--with its own mythologies, history, and rules. We focused on relationship arcs instead of electrical arcs. Our characters jump across the universe, encountering many different races on many different planets. We wanted it to be a monumental story covering vast amounts of space and time. We created an origin story of the universe and developed the religious systems that underpin the stars, planets, and people. We even had David put his voiceover talents to use and he narrated a few of these mythology stories. 

You can learn more about Ascension and our other novels by checking out our website, 

Until next time!



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