Ascension: Kelahya Unbound -- Surveying the Reviews

Hello readers,

It's August if you can believe it. Pumpkin spice season is just around the corner. We're hard at work finishing the edits for our next novel but felt we should pop in and say hello--and share some reviews from Ascension, Kelahya Unbound. We don't like to brag, but we wanted to post a few of the responses our readers have shared with us (we're omitting the ones from family 😁). 

You can always head over to to get more info on our novels and order a copy (or three). 

If you're a lover of science fiction definitely give our novel Ascension a look. 

Here's what some kind strangers had to say about it:

"Kelahya Unbound is a well-told story of a woman traumatized by her past and her quest to fulfill her destiny. There is not a single dull moment in the book, and my eyes were glued to the pages until the end. The non-linear structure of the plot makes the narrative all the more compelling as the Povalls slowly assemble the pieces to create a perfect jigsaw." -Pikasho Deka

"On one hand, it's a space odyssey with lots to explore. On the other, a psychological crime drama with secrets to reveal. Together, the themes make for a dynamic experience. Ascension: Kelahya Unbound by V. and D. Povall is one sci-fi novel that should stand the test of time, worthy of a second or third read." -Tammy Ruggles

"V. and D. Provall’s Ascension: Kelahya Unbound is space opera done right. This is a chivalric outer space adventure with an added twist in a conflict that features characters with advanced abilities. It uses a style that is part science fiction, part noir crime thriller, and part superhero." -Vincent Dublado

"Author team V. and D. Povall have crafted a gorgeous work of epic space opera which plays out a thrilling and beautifully-penned series of events to give us Kelahya’s first adventure." -K.C. Finn

"Even though this is a predominantly science fiction novel, it is relatable, interesting, very well-written, and above all, believable! I definitely recommend it!" -Rabia Tanveer

Thank you, kind strangers!

Until next time,



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