The Warm Lips of July

 "Such days are like a sigh

That beauty heaves from a full heart of bliss:

Such nights are like the sweetness of a kiss

On lips that half deny,

The warm lips of July"  

-from "July" by Madison Cawein

Hello Readers!

Where has the time gone? The year is more than half over now, we've crossed the halfway point. 

It's been a great year so far for us; we published our fifth novel, released two more audiobooks from our trilogy, and attended the LA Times Festival of Books. 

We're in a much-needed slow time, but that doesn't mean nothing's happening. We've got more writing to complete, more audiobooks to create, and more traveling to conferences and fairs to do. 

In the meantime, let's share some fun facts about July, shall we? We've gotten into this routine of late, and it's quite enjoyable for us to share facts about the new month. 

July is named after Julius Caesar. He's credited with creating the calendar that was the predecessor to today's Gregorian calendar. 

The dog days of summer are in July, everyone knows that. But do you know why they're called the dog days of summer? 

July, in an image

The answer lies with the stars, specifically, the second brightest star in our solar system after the sun. We're talking about Sirius. July's super hot weather coincides with the rise of Sirius. And Sirius is also known as--you guessed it--the dog star. 

If you want to go even deeper, the reason Sirius is known as the dog star is because it's part of the Canis Majoris constellation. (A random thought about the Harry Potter novels: Maybe Sirius Black's parents knew more than they let on about his abilities when they named him Sirius, eh?)

In the olden days, it was believed that Sirius rising contributed to the sweltering heat, and although we now know that's not true, the nickname had a certain ring to it, and like all great nicknames once it's locked in, well, there's no getting rid of it. 

We've got a couple holidays this month besides the 4th:

  • Yesterday, July 1, was Canada Day 
  • July 7th marks the Islamic New Year 
  • July 14th is Bastille Day 
  • July 17th is National Hot Dog Day
  • And it all builds up to July 30th, which of course is National Cheesecake Day

Our favorite holiday of the year

We're wishing you a safe and happy Independence Day. Car travel is estimated to be through the roof this week, with drive times taking 67% longer. Good luck!

We'll leave you with a wonderfully wistful poem from Rebecca Hey, appropriately called 'July':

Gone are Spring's graces! mute her melodies!

Yet in their place what Summer can bestow,

freely she yields; she tunes the river's flow

to gentlest music,--fills with sweets the breeze,--

Gives the last lush of leafage to the trees,--

Flowers to Earth's nursing bosom,--to the sky

Brightness oppressive from intensity,--

And calms, with halcyon wing, the azure seas. 

Such are her spells!--yet I look back on Spring

(As middle age delights on youth to pore)

With feelings mournful, but unmurmuring.

I ever loved the bud more than the flower

And hope than full enjoyment: Thence I cling

Alike to Life's and Nature's budding hour.

Man, that one hits us in the feels.

Until next time,



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