
Showing posts from June, 2024

A Tip of the Cap and a Book Recommendation

Hello Readers! Apologies for being away the last two weeks. You missed us, right? RIGHT?! You missed us, right, reindeer?   It's summer and things are slow, including us. We've slowed down a tick after a wild beginning to the year, with the rush to finish our latest novel, which you know all about. Such is the rhythm of creation. But we did want to use this blog as an opportunity to shout out a wonderful author who helped us enormously with advice and feedback on our previous novel, 'Ascension'. He's got a new book out that y'all should check out when you can. If you're not familiar with J.D. Barker, now's the time to get familiar. He burst onto the scene in 2014 with his debut novel, 'Forsaken'. This novel was so good that Stephen King gave Barker permission to use his character Leland Gaunt (the shop manager from 'Needful Things') in it. Can you imagine sending Mr. King your unpublished debut novel hoping he'll let you use one of hi

Pomp and Circumstance...and news!

Hello Readers! Graduation season is upon us. We've got a big graduation ceremony coming up next week. That's right, our grandson is graduating...preschool. So we'll be heading out for that--we can't pass up a good pre-k graduation ceremony. A bunch of five-year-olds in cap and gowns, what's better than that? This is as cute as it gets We also have some fun news to share!  Our full trilogy, The Perils of a Reluctant Psychic, is now available in audiobook format. We've been working with a great team knocking them out one at a time, and now The Gift of the Twin Houses, Secrets of Innocence, and Jackal in the Mirror are all ready to listen to.  Here's where you can find them on Audible   Have we mentioned our trilogy before? The Perils of a Reluctant Psychic is about Sarah Salas and her journey into accepting her psychic gift. As early as six, Sarah knew she was clairvoyant, but refused to accept it and got quite good at suppressing it. Now in her 50s and moving

June Is Bustin' Out All Over!

Hello Readers! It's June already! 2024 is half over already! It's basically 2025! Have you seen this priceless Leslie Uggams clip? We think of it every June.  In defense of Ms. Uggams, who is a pro's pro, they asked her to do this number at the last second. They told her she'd have cue cards to help her since she hadn't performed the number in a long time. Welp, as soon as she started, the cue card guy slipped and fell, and down went the cue cards. But the show must go on! So Ms. Uggams went with some impressive scatting. I think there's a "bejeezus" in there.  You know how much we love fun facts, so since we're at the beginning of a new month, let's explore some fun facts about the sixth month of the year. Most experts consider June to be named after the Roman Goddess Juno, partner of Jupiter. Think of Juno as the Roman equivalent of Hera, the Greek Goddess and partner of Zeus. Juno was the Goddess of marriage and childbirth, and since June m