News and Notes for Leap Year 2024

Hello Readers! Happy Leap Day to you and yours. We all have Julius Caesar to thank for leap years. We're sure most of you know that we have a leap day every four years because the Earth takes 365.25 days to complete one revolution around the sun. If you dig a little deeper though, that's actually not perfectly accurate--it's really 365.242181. So every leap day is adding extra time to our calendar. Frogs leap. Get it? Not to get too much into the weeds here, but did you know we skip three leap days every 400 years? That's how we correct back to the actual calendar corresponding to Earth's orbit. How do we know which three leap days to skip? Well, that does get too much into the weeds, but the answer is every year that is divisible by 100 but not by 400 is one that we skip. 1700, 1800, 1900, NOT 2000, 2100, etc. Any baby born today is called a leapling. Happy birthday, little leaplings! Now, let's update you on what's been going on for us. Things have been...