
Showing posts from January, 2024

Five Helpful Reminders for Writers

Hello Readers! We're back, and this week we're offering a few simple reminders for our readers who may be fellow writers.  Things to keep in mind as you're writing whatever it is you write.  These aren't rules really; just some encouraging words to keep you going when things inevitably get tough. Writing can be lonesome and discouraging, and if you can find a way to go a little easier on yourself, you'll be better for it. Françoise Sagan in 1955, Getty Images Here are five things to keep in mind as you write your story: 1) The execution is what matters How many times have you heard people say 'That's been done before', or 'This has been beaten to death'? So? Who cares? Every story has been told already anyway. It's not the originality of the premise that matters; it's how you tell the story. It's the execution. Are we really only supposed to write plots that have never been created in the history of storytelling? Tell the unoriginal

A Big Reveal: The Cover For Our Next Novel

Hello Readers! We're back this week with news of an exciting development. We have locked in the cover design for our latest novel, An Educated Death . It took a little longer than expected, and we went through many different versions, but now we've settled on our book cover.  That means we can 1) share it with you, and 2) start the process of printing for publication.  Woohoo! This puts us about five weeks away from release.  We are absolutely pumped to get this book out to you and share the mystery with our readers.  But first, take a look at the cover, pictured below. Our next novel, coming soon We're hoping to create a sense of mystery with the cover, and pique interest in the viewer.  "That looks cool and mysterious, what's this book about?" Well, we're so glad you asked! Let us tell you. Here's our official book description: Justin Pierce seeks a reason to live.  A successful Department of Justice international special agent and son of a CIA Latin

Three Of Our Favorite Mystery Novels From 2023

Hello Readers! Great to be with you once again.  This week, we wanted to share three mystery novels from the last year that showcase authors at the top of their game. As authors with a mystery novel coming out soon, it's important to pay attention to who is at the height of the genre. Where do we want to be? What are we aiming for? Who is there now? With all the great mystery novels that came out last year, we picked these three excellent yarns to highlight.  Let's jump in. These are in no particular order. Blood Sisters by Vanessa Lillie Syd Walker is an archeologist for the Bureau of Indian Affairs who is called back to her hometown in Oklahoma after two women disappear. One of them is her sister, and Syd will stop at nothing to find out what happened to her. This is a page-turner from the jump, and echoes the real-life plight of missing Native American women. Author Vanessa Lillie is a member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, and previously wrote Little Voices and For the

Hooray! A Review From Writer's Digest

Hello Readers! And Happy New Year to you! We hope your holiday was blessed and bright. Ours was full of family and food, just how we like it. Watching the little ones open presents on Christmas morning is so satisfying and fun.  Should old acquaintance be forgot... Over the holiday we had a small hiccup with our latest novel. Nothing major, but it will delay the release that we were hoping would happen in January to probably February. A setback of a couple weeks; we'll be fine. After a couple years of writing and editing, a few weeks is doable.  On the plus side, over the holiday we also got a review of Ascension: Kelahya Unbound from Writer's Digest. Ascension is our previous novel, a space opera set in the distant future.  For context, we submitted our novel to the Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards. Books are assigned at random to one of the category's judges. The judges then review the entries.  Here's what came back to us:  This book is exemplary in its