
Showing posts from September, 2024

An Interview with Special Agent Justin Pierce

Hello Readers! September is half-over! Football has started! Pumpkin Spice Lattes are in bloom!  Fall is here.  Things are going swimmingly over here in SoCal. We're on the other side of the heat wave, and if the earthquakes would just relax a bit, things would be perfect.  Today's blog is a bit different from anything we've done before. We've got a special treat for you; we were able to land an interview with the protagonist of our latest novel, An Educated Death . That's right, Special Agent Justin Pierce has agreed to sit down and answer some of our questions.  Below is the transcript of our (fictional) conversation. Please enjoy!                                                               Interview with Justin Pierce No pictures of Justin Pierce could be found Q: Really appreciate you agreeing to speak with us today. Could you tell us your name and occupation? JP: My name is Justin Pierce, former Special Agent with the Department of Justice, where I worked in