
Showing posts from March, 2021

Creating during the pandemic: don't sweat it

We survive, in the confusion of a life reborn beyond reason. —Pier Paolo Pasolini It won't be possible to measure the damage to mental health that was done by COVID.  It hit everyone differently. Based on your current life circumstances, the effects ranged from mild to life-destroying radical.  The pandemic has done incalculable harm to many people's way of life. And then there were these posts floating around online: IsSaC NeWtOn InVeNtEd CaLcUlUs DuRiNg ThE pLaGuE. or ShAkEsPeArE wRoTe KiNg LeAr DuRiNg ThE pLaGuE.  If you are an artist or creative, you probably felt massive pressure to keep working, keep creating, and to use this opportunity to bring your magnum opus to the world.  You may even have had friends spreading 'toxic positivity'.  GOOD VIBES ONLY! JUST STAY POSITIVE! LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE! Ugh. The New York Times just recently interviewed 75 artists about working during COVID. They asked a question: What's one thing you've made this year? Pulitzer